Propel yourself into the unknown, overcome treacherous obstacles, and beat the competition to win the ultimate prize - life itself.
Join us to play the greatest race of all time – The Great Sperm Race.
Infertility rates are on the rise in the Western World; meanwhile the debate on reproducing in a climate emergency has amplified...
Award-winning theatre makers Toby Peach & Lucy Wray, invite you to play along with their live video game about being fertile on an increasingly infertile planet.
Using your smart phone, compete with other audience members - our survival depends on you.
Fertile was launched in 2024 and toured to various cultural venues to test the games developed for public audiences. You can see some of the images from the show below.
Toby Peach & Lucy Wray - Makers
Brightblack - Games Developers
Camille Koosyi - Associate Producer
Irina Drytchak - BSL Interpreter
Annette Mees - Dramaturg
Christina Cushing - Poster Design
Astrid Breel - Impact Consultant
Dais Hale - Access Consultant
Allan Pacey & Rod Mitchell - Andrology Consultants
Jo Nastari - Performance Director
Hiren Kacha - Software Developer
Willow Ritchie - Technical Stage Manager
Special thanks to David Finnigan, Rhianna Illube, FoxDog Studios, Ellie Browning + Mel Frances