The Shadow of The Future
The Shadow of the Future was created by Coney, commissioned and designed for Imperial War Museum Duxford.
Set in a playful-fiction, you were recruited by the RAND Corporation to make decisions and advise President John F Kennedy as to whether the United States of America should launch (Defect) their nuclear weapons on Russia, or not (Cooperate).
Set-up in 1945, the RAND Corporation are institution that still operate to this day, to help improve policy and decision-making through research and analysis. The RAND Corporation advised President John F Kennedy throughout the Cold War.
Coney created The Shadow of the Future to be played on site in Imperial War Museum Duxford, to help you learn about the Cold War: specifically to investigate how decisions were made, to deepen understanding about the consequences and to consider the impact of decisions made during the course of the Cold War and how they impact society today.
If you'd like to know more then head The IWM site here